  • August 8, 2019
  • by cannakitchensoklahoma
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Before taking edibles, it is very important that you do your homework and get the facts straight. Edibles have been known to help a lot of people with issues such as pain, but they are also not for every person.

Read here for some quick facts about edibles!

Go Slow

If you have never tried edibles or weed, then you should go extremely slow. Edibles affect individuals in many different ways and can take up to four hours for the edibles to take effect. The biggest mistake you can make is taking a lot of edibles at once, or taking edibles continuously, especially if you don’t feel the effects right away. Go slow. The effects can cause you to be extremely sick if you go fast.

Microdosing, taking between 1 to 5 milligrams of THC is highly recommended. This allows the dosage to take effect slowly and for your body to get comfortable.

Keep Edibles Away from Dogs and Children

Although this may seem obvious, you should be very careful with where you put your edibles. Dogs and small children are notorious for popping whatever they find in their mouth. Edibles smell good and taste good and many children may mistake these for normal candies and desserts.

What edibles are made of

Edibles are made up of the oils and breakdown of the cannabis plant.

The green leafy herb known as cannabis turns a novice chef into more of a scientist. Fun fact: Raw cannabis will not get you high! Rather, it is the oils and the breakdown (decarboxylation) of cannabis that is helpful.

Decarboxylation is the chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide. In a simple explanation, that means decarboxylation converts THCA (non-psychotropic) to THC (psychotropic) using heat and time.

Once the cannabis has been broken down and decarboxylation has taken place, it can easily be transferred into basic foods such as brownies, cookies, candies, and more!

Edibles can help with weight loss

“In 2013, the American Journal of Science released a report that noted the low prevalence of obesity in cannabis users despite an abundance of empirical and anecdotal evidence linking stoners to high caloric diets.”

Cannabis causes fasting insulin levels to decrease and increases in the availability of natural insulin produced by the body to maintain a healthy blood-sugar level. 

Thus, Edibles frequently lead to higher metabolism and more consistent bowel movements. 

Many health benefits

Edibles have many benefits that include reducing symptoms of chronic illness, anxiety, pain relief and more. While many people use marijuana to relax and ease stress, edibles are mainly for aiding in healing and medical help.

For example, edible marijuana products, such as oils, tinctures, pills, and gummies, are prescribed to treat poor appetite, pain, weight loss and for people who have cancer.

You should always consult with a professional medical doctor before taking edibles to make sure they are right for you. Always seek medical help if you feel ill or experience any symptoms that are not normal to your body.

1 Comment

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